Why Is He So Clueless?

Why do I have to spell things out - shouldn’t my husband just open his eyes and see what I need? I’m not expecting him to be a mind reader or anything. OK, maybe I am. But shouldn't he be that tuned in to me?
It’s so unromantic to tell him what I want - he should just know! If I have to ask, I may as well do it myself, right?
My siddur is falling apart. I finally found a siddur that I love. It is just the right size and weight, perfect-sized lettering, and exact nusach. It’s not pretty or fancy, but it works for me.
Except that the cover is falling off, and the pages are loose. I really want a new one.
For some reason, instead of just buying myself a new siddur, I decided I wanted my husband to get it for me as a gift. Who doesn’t love getting a present?
So a week and a half ago, I showed it to him and said, “My siddur is falling apart.” Not, “I would love a new siddur,” which would have been a pure desire that he would have pounced on. Instead, I went down the old dirt road of hinting and hoping he would get it. I usually land in a ditch on that path.
He offered to tape it up. Nope. I didn't want that. He offered to get it bound. I shot that down - too tight. I need my siddur to fall open easily. He was groping in the dark for how to please me.
Duh! Just say it!
“Do you want me to buy you a new one?” he said, finally catching on.
“I would love that!” I beamed.
He examined it and asked if it should have the same type of lettering. I didn't want something similar. “I would love this exact siddur,” I enthused - finally, finally clueing him in on what I really wanted.
Why not just say that right from the start? What’s with the beating around the bush? What was I so afraid of?
Meanwhile, I’ve been using my old beat-up siddur for the past week or so. No new siddur appeared. I kept my mouth shut, trusting he was taking care of it. And also wondering, did he forget? Should I just get it myself?
Yesterday, he picked up my old siddur and said, “I’ve been to every Judaica store in town.” We live in Lakewood, so that’s a LOT of places, B”H. “I’ve visited every single sefarim site online. It's out of print in nusach Ashkenaz. Would you like a different one, or should I tape it up?”
Instead of feeling disappointed, I felt a surge of unadulterated joy. My husband went to the ends of the earth to make me happy. And I knew nothing about it. I thought he had forgotten about my siddur. He was taking care of it in his own way, on his timeline, and expended much more time and energy than I would have done. He wanted nothing more than to see me smile.
I beamed at him and opted for the tape. I can’t wait to use my taped-up siddur - it will remind me every day how much my husband loves me and how unproductive it is to not give him the opportunity to show that to me.
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