What is an "Empowered" Wife?

My marriage was distant and lonely. We disagreed on everything, so we just avoided speaking to each other. I complained a lot and dealt with ongoing verbal abuse.
My husband was the problem, and he needed to change. I worried that I had married the wrong person. I felt undesired and uncherished and endured so much heartbreak. It was devastating.
No matter what I tried, and I tried everything… I was frustrated, angry, and resentful!
I went to marriage counseling MANY times, and that always made things worse! I read books and left them for him on his nightstand.
He just wouldn’t listen!
And then…I learned a big secret that most people don’t know, but…women are the ones with all the power in relationships—to make it playful and easy or tense and distant.
I learned that telling him what to do and how to do it was controlling. I realized that I didn’t have all the answers or always know best. I found out how disrespectful I had been of him as a person with a unique opinion and way of doing things. Right or wrong, he was entitled to be his own person and learn life’s lessons.
This one change in me made him driven to make me ridiculously happy. We went from being angry and resentful to being loving, kind, and peaceful. We’re even enjoying truly happy yomim tovim without all the fighting.
I discovered that I was not the only one struggling and feeling completely hopeless. And I‘m not the only one who completely turned that around. I never could have imagined a life with my husband like the one I have today!
View My Free Training to Learn more skills that will help you create a peaceful, happy relationship today!
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